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Entry #258: How do I change the Default Data Collection directory?

How do I change the Default Data Collection directory?

There may be a need to change the location of where the ViewPoint data collector writes its data. The most probable reason would be if a file system or a drive is filling up.

NOTE: This also conceptually applies to NT platforms running version 4.3 and later of the VP collector. The only difference is in stopping and restarting the collector, the syntax to create a new directory, and utilizing Notepad instead of vi for editing purposes (step 3 below).


Follow these steps:

1. Shut down the collector by entering this command:

$dsc stop

2. Create the new directory in the new location on the file system. Please be
sure to have the correct protection setting and ownership so that ViewPoint
can successfully write to this area. If you choose to also have the same
data before the collector was shut down, then you should move the contents of
this directory over as well. Otherwise, you will only have data originating
after the collector was restarted, not before.

3. Edit the dsc script that is located in the /bin directory by entering the
following command:

$ cd $DSCHOME/bin

where DSCHOME is either /opt/dsc or /usr/dsc depending on platform

$ vi dsc

4. If there are references to DSC_DB, simply change it to the new location;
if not, then add it. Here is an example of /dnsw/local/dsc/db as the new

DSC_DB=$DSCHOME/db <=== old location
DSC_DB=/fnsw/local/dsc/db <=== new explicit location

5. If you want, you can also move over the log files. These can sometimes
take up sigificant drive space as well.

DSC_LOG=$DSCHOME/log <=== old location
DSC_LOG=/fnsw/local/dsc/log <=== new location

6. Restart the collector by entering the following command:

$dsc start

7. Check to make sure everything is up and running by entering the following

$ps -ef |grep dsc
Data collection file system filling up. Client chooses to move VP data files.
Limited space. Desire to move data files elsewhere.