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Entry #471: How do I update my AccessKey for EDM/DCS?

How do I update my AccessKey for EDM/DCS?
To update the AccessKey after installation, you will need to modify two files, one for the EDM admin UI and one for the data collector.

To update the DCS AccessKey:
1. navigate to [Install Path]\Data Collector Service
2. edit config.properties and modify the following entry with the new AccessKey:
# AccessKey goes here

To update the EDM AccessKey for EDM 3.0
1. navigate to the [Jboss Directory]\standalone\configuration
2. edit config.properties and modify the following entry with the new AccessKey:
# AccessKey goes here

To update the EDM AccessKey for EDM 2.x
1. navigate to [Jboss directory]/server/default/conf
2. edit config.properties and modify the following entry with the new AccessKey:
# AccessKey goes here